Želimir Žilnik (RS)

Želimir Žilnik (Niš, 1942.), autor je brojnih igranih I dokumentarnih filmova nagrađivanih na domaćim i međunarodnim filmskim festivalima. Jedan je od začetnika filmskog žanra doku-drame. Od samog početka profesionalnog rada na filmu okrenut je suvremenim temama, koje uključuju društvenu, političku i ekonomsku kritiku svakodnevice. Nakon problema sa cenzurom sredinom sedamdesetih odlazi u Njemačku gdje među prvima snima filmove o gastarbajterima koji se danas smatraju klasicima. Po povratku krajem sedamdesetih snima niz dokumentarnih filmova i serija za televiziju. Devedesetih godina tematski se usredotočuje se na dramu balkanskih ratova, a danas snima filmove o slomu sustava vrijednosti u post-tranzicijskim zemljama srednje i istočne Evrope, te problemima izbjeglištva i migracija u kontekstu proširene Europe. Pedagoškim radom bavi se kontinuirano pri renomiranim filmskim školama I međunarodnim filmskim radionicama u regiji i Europi. Živi I radi u Novom Sadu.
Želimir Žilnik (Niš, 1942.), is the author of numerous feature and documentary films and recepient of awards of local and international film festivals. He is one of the originators of the docu-drama genre. Since he became a professional in cinema, Žilnik focuses on modern issues, including societal, political and economic critique of everyday life. After running into censorship in the mid-70’s he leaves for Germany where he makes his ‘gasterbajter’ films which are today considered classics. After he returned to Yugoslavia in late 70’s he films a number of documentaries and serials for TV. In the 90’s he thematically focuses on the drama of Balkan wars, while today he makes films about the crisis of values in post-transitional countries of mid and east Europe, and on the issue of refugees, immigrants and migrations in the context of European expansion. He is also involved in pedagogical work in renowned film schools and international film workshops in the region and Europe. He lives and works in Novi Sad, Serbia.