Bijenale ne predstavlja samo suvremene umjetnike i umjetnice već i neke od lokalnih spomenika i druge tragove prošlih vremena, koji ravnopravno sudjeluju u izložbenoj strukturi. Bijenale će polifonijom umjetničkih glasova pokušati lokalni kontekst predstaviti kao veći i širi od sebe samog, nastojeći razotkriti ‘ideološki’ višak koji (srećom) postoji u svakoj specifičnoj lokaciji i koji ga povezuje s drugim lokacijama i drugim borbama koje svuda po svijetu nastoje sačuvati mogućnost utopijskog promišljanja budućnosti.
Susreti i priče: Kastav – Spomenik partizanu (Vinko Matković); Labin – Rodna kuća Giuseppine Martinuzzi, Spomenik rudaru (Quintino Bassani & Berislav Iskra), Park skulptura Dubrova; Pula – Danteov trg, Divić dizalica u Uljaniku, Sirena na Komunalnoj palači, Spomenik mornaru (Pavle Perić), Mozaik Kažnjavanje Dirke, Titov park; Raša – Trg Gustavo Pulitzer Finali; Rijeka – Crkva sv. Romualda i Svih Svetih, Zgrada Jadrolinije, Spomenik trinaestorice streljanih (Zvonimir Pliskovac), Socijalističke freske u Osnovnoj školi Vilim Svečnjak, Vodnjan – Palača Benussi, Zbirka Sveta Tijela, Sjedište Inkvizicije za Istru, Partizanski grafiti…
Industrial Art Biennial also includes a number of existing historical and cultural locations such as antique landmarks; industrial, administrative and sacral buildings and their details; antifascist and other monuments; as well as parts of existing collections from the Archaeological Museum in Pula, the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka and the People’s Museum in Labin. This extension of the exhibition does not have the ambition of discovering ‘the unseen,’ but rather seeks to appropriate the seen in order to move away from their official narratives, so that through a polyphony of artistic voices the ideological surplus that (luckily) exists in every local context is presented as larger than itself, and as connected with other locations and other struggles. On the Shoulders of Fallen Giants summons the ghosts of history and the future, in a summer daydream sporadically interrupted by emergency signals coming from all directions; signals to which it only seems that no-one is responding.
Encounters and stories: Kastav – Monument to the Partisan (Vinko Matković); Labin – Birth house of Giuseppina Martinuzzi, Monument to the Miner (Quintino Bassani & Berislav Iskra), Sculpture park Dubrova; Pula – Dante’s Square, Divić crane in Uljanik shipyard, Mermaid on the Communal Palace, Monument to the Sailor (Pavle Perić), Mosaic Punishment of Dirce, Tito’s park; Raša – Square of Gustavo Pulitzer Finali; Rijeka – Church of St Romuald and All Saints, Jadrolinija building, Monument to the thirteen shot (Zvonimir Pliskovac), Rijeka’s primary school socialist frescos (Vilim Svečnjak); Vodnjan – Benussi Palace, Corpi Santi Collection, Headquater of Istrian Inquisition, Partisan graffiti