Werner Feiersinger
Untitled, 2022
7 photographs, archival inkjet print, 200 x150 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Martin Janda, Vienna
Supported by Republic of Austria – Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport, Land Tirol & Austrian Cultural Forum in Zagreb
Werner Feiersinger
Untitled, 2022
27 photographs, archival inkjet print, 30×40 cm, and 1, 200×150 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Martin Janda, Vienna
Supported by Republic of Austria – Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport, Land Tirol & Austrian Cultural Forum in Zagreb
Werner Feiersinger
Untitled, 2022
9 photographs, Archival inkjet print, 200 x 300 cm, 2022
Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Martin Janda, Vienna
Supported by Republic of Austria – Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport, Land Tirol & Austrian Cultural Forum in Zagreb

Werner Feiersinger Untitled work at Pijacal, Labin
The precise observation of the world of things is at the beginning of the artistic discussions that Werner Feiersinger (*1966) tends to conduct openly in all directions. His perspective has been trained over decades on the modernist vocabulary, but also on art historical aesthetics that go back further. Feiersinger is interested in discovering and establishing connections that are valid across epochs. Starting in spring 2022, he travelled the Istrian peninsula in several visits and on these excursions examined both the industrial interventions, structures, architectures and ruins, as well as observing their relationship to the topographical framework. In Feiersingers’ cycle of photos we see and recognise the ruins of futuristic utopias, the decay of Yugoslav Brutalism, the fragments of infrastructures destroyed by war or neglection, the consequences of globalised capitalism and the results of the exploitation of nature over the millennia. The result is an archive of images whose melancholic power and artistic intensity returning the Istrian landscape the energy and gravitas it has lost through economic exploitation.

Werner Feiersinger Untitled work at ex-miners’ canteen, Raša. Image by Jules Spintasch, 2023.
Precizno promatranje svijeta stvari početak je svih umjetničkih rasprava koje Werner Feiersinger (*1966.) nastoji voditi otvoreno u svim smjerovima. Njegova je perspektiva desetljećima uvježbavana na modernističkom vokabularu, ali i na estetici povijesti umjetnosti koja seže dalje u prošlost. Feiersinger je zainteresiran za otkrivanje i uspostavljanje veza koje vrijede kroz epohe. Od proljeća 2022. proputovao je istarski poluotok u nekoliko navrata, i na tim izletima istovremeno ispitivao industrijske intervencije, strukture, arhitekturu i ruševine, te promatrao njihov odnos s topografskim okvirom. U Feiersingerovom ciklusu fotografija vidimo i prepoznajemo ruševine futurističkih utopija, propadanje jugoslavenskog brutalizma, fragmente infrastrukture uništene ratom ili nemarom, posljedice globaliziranog kapitalizma i rezultate iskorištavanja prirode tijekom tisućljeća. Rezultat je arhiva slika čija melankolična snaga i umjetnički intenzitet vraćaju istarskom krajobrazu energiju i gravitaciju koju je izgubio kroz gospodarsku eksploataciju.