Tatjana Gromača
Unknown fragments / Nepoznati fragmenti, 2022-2023
Billboard poster, 300 x 1800 cm
Courtesy of the artist
The writer Tatjana Gromača (*1971), who lives in Pula, is one of the quietest and at the same time most haunting voices in recent Croatian literature. Her three Unknown Fragments (2022), which can be read on a large billboard in public space, appear like ironic comments on reality. The whining tendency to wallow in self-pity seems to be a common behaviour in Croatia. The three fragments of Gromača are about contrasting experiences. Suffering is followed by a cry for freedom and the lies of rulers are followed by breaking out of the silence of injustice, which masquerades as justice. From this perspective, the three fragments provide current mental images of a world that has gone haywire. The three text fragments were transformed by typographer Karin Engler into a large “wall newspaper”, almost an anti-poster. The typefaces were designed by Croatian type designer Hrvoje Živčić (Mote) and Marko Hrastovec and Nikola Đurek (Punta).

Tatjana Gromača Unknown fragments / Nepoznati fragmenti, 2022-2023.
Književnica Tatjana Gromača (*1971.), koja živi u Puli, jedan je od najtiših, ali i najutjecajnijih glasova novije hrvatske književnosti. Njezina tri “Nepoznata fragmenta” (2022.), koja se mogu pročitati na velikom jumbo plakatu na javnom prostoru, doimaju se kao ironični komentari stvarnosti. Čini se da je sklonost kuknjavi i valjanje u samosažaljenju uobičajeno ponašanje u Hrvatskoj. U tri Gromačina fragmenta radi o suprotstavljenim iskustvima. Patnja izaziva vapaj za slobodom, a laži vladajućih prestanak šutnje o nepravdi maskirane u pravdu. Iz ove perspektive, tri fragmenta daju trenutne mentalne slike svijeta koji je poludio. Tri tekstualna fragmenta tipografkinja Karin Engler pretočila je u velike “zidne novine”, gotovo antiplakat. Slova su dizajnirali Hrvoje Živčić (Mote) te Marko Hrastovec i Nikola Đurek (Punta).