Dubrova Sculpture Park
Christian Jankowski
Industrial Golf, 2023
Istrian limestone, 380 x 300 x 180 cm, and 100 golf clubs
Supported by IFA – Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart
Lamparna, main hall:
Christian Jankowski
Video, Industrial Golf, 2023
Courtesy of the artist and Grieder Contemporary, Küsnacht/Zurich
Supported by IFA – Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart
Lamparna, “warm connection”:
Christian Jankowski
Tee Sign Landscape 1-10, 2023
Oil on canvas, 105 x 70 cm (each)
Courtesy of the artist and Grieder Contemporary, Küsnacht/Zurich
Supported by IFA – Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart
In his artistic practice, Christian Jankowski (*1968) deals with eco-systems, with “bubbles” as they are called today. The starting point for his research, however, remains the art system, a highly specialised and, for outsiders, slightly esoteric world. Jankowski examines this cosmos by confronting its peculiarities, rituals, cultures and economic interconnections with other, concise systems of the present day – mostly in connection with their broad media impact. For Landscapes of Desire, Jankowski blended the art system with the world of golf, by transforming the Dubrova Sculpture Park in a temporary 9-hole golf course. The fairways were created with the help of municipal employees and their lawn mowers; the Croatian Golf Association took over the promotion of a tournament, the “1st Industrial Golf Open”, on April 14, 2023. Art becomes sport and sport ends up in art. Or as Jankowski says: “Professions bring a certain vocabulary and viewpoint on the world, and they come with their own aesthetic. They also bring something unexpected and new into my art through a method of shared authorship.”

Christian Jankowski
Tee Sign Landscape, 2023. Photo by Labin Art Express.
U svojoj umjetničkoj praksi Christian Jankowski (*1968.) bavi se ekosustavima, “mjehurićima” kako ih danas nazivamo. Polazište za njegovo istraživanje, međutim, ostaje umjetnički sustav, visoko specijaliziran i, za autsajdere, pomalo ezoteričan svijet. Jankowski istražuje taj kozmos sučeljavajući njegove posebnosti, rituale, kulture i ekonomske međupovezanosti s drugim, sažetim sustavima današnjice – ponajviše u vezi s njihovim širokim medijskim utjecajem. Za “Krajobraze želje”, Jankowski je spojio umjetnički sustav sa svijetom golfa, transformirajući Park skulptura Dubrova u privremeno igralište za golf s 9 rupa. Staze za igranje su napravljene uz pomoć gradskih komunalnih radnika i njihovih kosilica, dok je Hrvatski golf savez preuzeo promociju turnira „1st Industrial Golf Open“, održanog 14. travnja 2023. Umjetnost postaje sport i sport završava u umjetnosti. Ili kako kaže Jankowski: “Profesije donose određeni rječnik i pogled na svijet, i pojavljuju se sa svojom vlastitom estetikom. One također unose nešto neočekivano i novo u moju umjetnost kroz metodu zajedničkog autorstva.”