Jeremy Deller (UK)

Jeremy Deller (1966.) je konceptualni i medijski umjetnik. Školovao se na Dulwich College i Courtauld Institute of Art Sveučilišta u Londonu., a povijest umjetnosti je diplomirao na Sveučilištu u Sussexu. Nagradu Turner osvojio je 2004. godine, a 2013. je predstavljao Veliku Britaniju na 55. Venecijanskom bijenalu. Živi i radi u Londonu, Velika Britanija.
Jeremy Deller (born 1966) is an English conceptual, video and installation artist. He won the Turner Prize in 2004. Deller is known for his Battle of Orgreave (2001),[1] a reenactment of the actual Battle of Orgreave which occurred during the UK miners’ strike in 1984. From 2007 to 2011, Deller served as a Trustee of the Tate Gallery.
“Adrian Street is a wrestler I first became aware of through a photograph showing him with his father in 1973, which seemed to me possibly the most important photograph taken post-war. It encapsulates the whole history of Britain in that period – of our uneasy transition from being a centre of heavy industry to a producer of entertainment and services. It’s a rather bizarre and disturbing photograph, taken when Adrian went back to Wales, to the mine that he had worked in as a young man, to meet his father. Adrian’s still very much alive and still wrestling in Florida, where he has settled. He’s an incredible person, who has tremendous willpower and a great sense of his own worth. His story has an epic quality to it, he has basically reinvented himself for the late twentieth century.”